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  • US House of Representatives Passes Financial Institution Examination Reform Bill

    The U.S. House of Representative passed the Financial Institutions Examination Fairness and Reform Act (H.R. 4545) by a vote of 283-133.  The bill would amend the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Act of 1978 to require federal financial institution regulatory agencies to issue final examination reports within 60 days of the later of a financial institution’s exit report or the provision of additional information by a financial institution regarding its examination.  The bill would also permit financial institutions to obtain an independent review of material supervisory determinations contained in a final report of examination, including the right to an Administrative Law hearing.  The bill would also establish the Office of Independent Examination Review, which, among other things, would receive and investigate complaints from financial institutions with respect to examinations, examination practices and examination reports, review written examination procedures of federal financial regulatory agencies and conduct supervisory appeals.

    View full text of the bill.