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  • Financial Action Task Force Launches Survey on Correspondent Banking Guidance


    The Financial Action Task Force has launched an online private sector survey on correspondent banking and the usefulness of its 2016 Guidance on correspondent banking services. The Guidance was published in response to increased concerns about so-called "de-risking," whereby financial institutions avoid, rather than manage, the risks associated with money laundering or terrorist financing by terminating business relations with entire regions or classes of customers. The FATF considers that de-risking is inconsistent with FATF Recommendations, that it has negatively impacted correspondent banking and that it may result in financial transactions being directed into less regulated areas, which would reduce transparency and increase exposure to money laundering and terrorist financing risks.

    The FATF wants to assess whether its Guidance is helping to address the de-risking issues. The survey is intended to track their understanding of adoption and usefulness of the guidance.

    The survey is open until April 16, 2018.

    View the survey.

    View the 2016 Guidance on correspondent banking